Air Conditioning Trainer
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknika Kapal Penangkap Ikan
Teknik Pemanasan, Tata Udara dan Pendinginan (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
Deskripsi :
Capacity: min. ½ HP
Power input: AC 220V
Condenser: air cooled type with fan Evaporator: air cooled type, copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan. Transparent chamber with damper Supply fan liquid receiver and accumulator suitable with the system
Instrumentation: volt meter, ampere meter, thermometer, pressure gauge
Controller: High-low Pressure switch, thermostat.
Power input: AC 220V
Condenser: air cooled type with fan Evaporator: air cooled type, copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan. Transparent chamber with damper Supply fan liquid receiver and accumulator suitable with the system
Instrumentation: volt meter, ampere meter, thermometer, pressure gauge
Controller: High-low Pressure switch, thermostat.
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