Heavy-Duty Dent Puller Set
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Deskripsi :
Palu penarik body kendaraan yang penyok.
Set Contains:
(1) approx. 10 lbs. slide hammer
(2) Pipes
(1) 2-hole pipe
(1) Hex nut
(1) Chain and hook
(5) Plates
(1) Molded storage case
approx. 7/ 8" x 14 thread pitch for accessories
Manual Book
Set Contains:
(1) approx. 10 lbs. slide hammer
(2) Pipes
(1) 2-hole pipe
(1) Hex nut
(1) Chain and hook
(5) Plates
(1) Molded storage case
approx. 7/ 8" x 14 thread pitch for accessories
Manual Book
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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