Hybrid Renewable Microgrid System Design Software
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Energi Surya, Hidro dan Angin
Deskripsi :
Digunakan untuk pembelajar mengenai simulasi, analisis dan pemeliharaan sistim microgrid PLTS untuk energi terbarukan.
Training contents:
What is a microgrid?
Fundamentals of energy and electricity
Microgrid project analysis for small island and remote gids software
Simulation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis
Single generator systems
Introduction to the major technologies used in the software Renewable energy generation including solar photovoltaics and wind turbines Batteries and storage
Microgrid project analysis for larger grids
Systems with multiple generators
Integrating renewable energy into larger gids
Topics to be covered
Operating/spinning reserve
Combined heat and pouter
Grid connected projects
Demand management and energy efficiency
Training contents:
What is a microgrid?
Fundamentals of energy and electricity
Microgrid project analysis for small island and remote gids software
Simulation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis
Single generator systems
Introduction to the major technologies used in the software Renewable energy generation including solar photovoltaics and wind turbines Batteries and storage
Microgrid project analysis for larger grids
Systems with multiple generators
Integrating renewable energy into larger gids
Topics to be covered
Operating/spinning reserve
Combined heat and pouter
Grid connected projects
Demand management and energy efficiency
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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