Telephone Trainer
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Elektronika Komunikasi
Deskripsi :
The Telephony Training System shall include at least the following equipment with their respective requirements:
Power Supply
Features of this equipment shall include:
This module shall be the power source of the Telephony Training System.
It shall have two multi-pin power connectors, located on the back panel, which can distribute regulated DC voltages to two Reconfigurable Training Modules.
An AC power output shall also be provided to power up the auxiliary functions and display the Analog Telephone Sets.
Auto-reset fuses shall protect the Power Supply against shortcircuits.
Power Requirement:
Voltage: 120 V – 60 Hz (also available: 220 V – 50 Hz and 240 V – 50 Hz)
Current: 3.5 A (also available: 2.0 A at 220/240 V – 50 Hz)
Rating of DC Power Outputs (2):
+5 V : 8 A / output
+3.3 V: 7 A / output
+12 V – A: 5 A / output
+12 V – B: 3 A / output
12 V: 0.75 A (both outputs)
-5 V: 0.5 A (both outputs)
AC Power Outlet Rating: 220 V – 0.3 A – 50/60 Hz
Power Supply
Features of this equipment shall include:
This module shall be the power source of the Telephony Training System.
It shall have two multi-pin power connectors, located on the back panel, which can distribute regulated DC voltages to two Reconfigurable Training Modules.
An AC power output shall also be provided to power up the auxiliary functions and display the Analog Telephone Sets.
Auto-reset fuses shall protect the Power Supply against shortcircuits.
Power Requirement:
Voltage: 120 V – 60 Hz (also available: 220 V – 50 Hz and 240 V – 50 Hz)
Current: 3.5 A (also available: 2.0 A at 220/240 V – 50 Hz)
Rating of DC Power Outputs (2):
+5 V : 8 A / output
+3.3 V: 7 A / output
+12 V – A: 5 A / output
+12 V – B: 3 A / output
12 V: 0.75 A (both outputs)
-5 V: 0.5 A (both outputs)
AC Power Outlet Rating: 220 V – 0.3 A – 50/60 Hz
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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