Wind-Solar Power Generation Training System
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Energi Surya, Hidro dan Angin
Deskripsi :
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran mengenai berbagai pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dan tenaga angin, pemanfaatan, pengolahan data dan karakteristik dari energi yang dihasilkan.
Technical parameter:
Wind turbine:
Power: approx. 300W
Impeller diameter: approx. 1.65m
Start wind speed: approx. 2.3m/ s
Cut-in wind speed: approx. 3m/ s
Rated wind speed: approx. 12m/ s
Wind speed and direction:
Wind speed: 0 - 60m/ s
Wind direction: 0 - 360°
Power supply: AC 220 V, 50 Hz, DCL2V (optional)
Other: wind speed alarm, under-speed alarm, liquid crystal display
Temperature and humidity sensors:
Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C (16 bits)
Temperahtre range: -40 °C - +80 °c
Humidity Resolution: 0.1% RH (16 bits)
Humidity accuracy: 3% RH (25 °C), 5o/o RH (0 - 50 °C)
Adjustable speed blower
Air Flow: approx. 4670/h
Air pressure: 1275 Pa - 2138 Pa
Fan power: approx. 5.5KW
Training system:
Input power: 12VDC. 220VAC Two phases three wires
Power consumption: Wind simulator: approx. 0.7 sKW Simulated sunlamp approx. 200W
Output power: 220VAC/ 1500W 12VDC/ 500W
Rated charging power: Fan: 50-600W PV cell: 40-300W
Rated charging current: Wind energy + Solar energy <35A
Overcharge protection voltage: DC13.2 ± 0.2V
Unloading control mode: PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Measuring instrument: DC volt meter, Ammeter, Volt meter,
Ammeter, Load
Safety protection: Leakage protector, inverter DC side fuse
Protect: Battery anti-reverse charge, anti-reverse connection, over-charging, thunder protection, current limiting, automatic brake
Simulation unit:
Wind Turbines: approx. 12V/ 3OOW. 3 blades. Wind wheel
diameter approx. 1,26m
Wind tunnel simulation platform (Axial fan): 220V/ 0.75KW. 0 - 1440 r/min. wind volume: 10000 cbm/h, 0 - 12 M/ s
Speed drive controller: approx. 220V/ 5KW
Wind speed alarming device: approx. 220 VAC/ 12 VDC.
Wind speed: 0-60 m/S ;
measuring accuracy: ± 1°
Solar cell module: 7* monocrystal silicon 17.5V.10Wp, 1 * polycrystalline silicon 17.5VDC.30Wp
Solar simulator unit: 220VAC/ 100-500W
Unit parameter:
Measuring instrument: Input power 220/ 9VAC. Accuracy ± 5%
Off-grid inverter power supply: Input 9 - 15VDC. Output 0 - 220VAC. Power 300W. Pure sine wave: 50Hz
Hybrid PV/Wind Power controller: Input 12VDC. Output 600W: mode: light control + time control+ cycle timing. Communication function AC load: 220VAC, 100W lamp
Lead-acid battery 12VDC/100Ah
Monitor device:
All-in-one PC With software
Technical parameter:
Wind turbine:
Power: approx. 300W
Impeller diameter: approx. 1.65m
Start wind speed: approx. 2.3m/ s
Cut-in wind speed: approx. 3m/ s
Rated wind speed: approx. 12m/ s
Wind speed and direction:
Wind speed: 0 - 60m/ s
Wind direction: 0 - 360°
Power supply: AC 220 V, 50 Hz, DCL2V (optional)
Other: wind speed alarm, under-speed alarm, liquid crystal display
Temperature and humidity sensors:
Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C (16 bits)
Temperahtre range: -40 °C - +80 °c
Humidity Resolution: 0.1% RH (16 bits)
Humidity accuracy: 3% RH (25 °C), 5o/o RH (0 - 50 °C)
Adjustable speed blower
Air Flow: approx. 4670/h
Air pressure: 1275 Pa - 2138 Pa
Fan power: approx. 5.5KW
Training system:
Input power: 12VDC. 220VAC Two phases three wires
Power consumption: Wind simulator: approx. 0.7 sKW Simulated sunlamp approx. 200W
Output power: 220VAC/ 1500W 12VDC/ 500W
Rated charging power: Fan: 50-600W PV cell: 40-300W
Rated charging current: Wind energy + Solar energy <35A
Overcharge protection voltage: DC13.2 ± 0.2V
Unloading control mode: PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Measuring instrument: DC volt meter, Ammeter, Volt meter,
Ammeter, Load
Safety protection: Leakage protector, inverter DC side fuse
Protect: Battery anti-reverse charge, anti-reverse connection, over-charging, thunder protection, current limiting, automatic brake
Simulation unit:
Wind Turbines: approx. 12V/ 3OOW. 3 blades. Wind wheel
diameter approx. 1,26m
Wind tunnel simulation platform (Axial fan): 220V/ 0.75KW. 0 - 1440 r/min. wind volume: 10000 cbm/h, 0 - 12 M/ s
Speed drive controller: approx. 220V/ 5KW
Wind speed alarming device: approx. 220 VAC/ 12 VDC.
Wind speed: 0-60 m/S ;
measuring accuracy: ± 1°
Solar cell module: 7* monocrystal silicon 17.5V.10Wp, 1 * polycrystalline silicon 17.5VDC.30Wp
Solar simulator unit: 220VAC/ 100-500W
Unit parameter:
Measuring instrument: Input power 220/ 9VAC. Accuracy ± 5%
Off-grid inverter power supply: Input 9 - 15VDC. Output 0 - 220VAC. Power 300W. Pure sine wave: 50Hz
Hybrid PV/Wind Power controller: Input 12VDC. Output 600W: mode: light control + time control+ cycle timing. Communication function AC load: 220VAC, 100W lamp
Lead-acid battery 12VDC/100Ah
Monitor device:
All-in-one PC With software
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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