Camera DSLR include with tele zoom
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Deskripsi :
Untuk menangkap gambar dari objek pengamatan dari jarak jauh.
Camera DSLR:
- max resolution: 6000 x 4000
- Effective pixels: ±24 MP
- video recording until 1920 x 1080
@ 60p/60 Mbps
- Battery lithium ion
- Aperture max: ±f/4
- Focal lenght: ±200mm
Camera DSLR:
- max resolution: 6000 x 4000
- Effective pixels: ±24 MP
- video recording until 1920 x 1080
@ 60p/60 Mbps
- Battery lithium ion
- Aperture max: ±f/4
- Focal lenght: ±200mm
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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