SPII Compact Wellhead
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Produksi Minyak Dan Gas
Deskripsi :
• Compact design saves space and permits the use of smaller platforms at a reduced cost
• Nominal size 9”, 11”, 13-5/8” or 18-3/4 and pressure rating of 5,000 psi or 10,000 psi • Available in 2 or 3 stage hanger systems
• “WQ” Quick connector on housing top connection
• Casing programs offer flexibility and can be easily changed on site
• Fluted mandrel-type hangers for effective cementing flow-by
• Mandrel-type hangers offer complete BOP control, eliminating work under BOP stack and enhancing safety
• Internal lockdown for hangers
• Same pack-off for all sizes of mandrel hangers
• Elastomeric and metal seal assemblies are interchangeable
• Design based on field-proven and fully tested technology
• Enhanced safety with minimum through-wall penetrations
• Cold cut option is available for emergency purposes
• Designed to meet API 6A, latest edition to PSL 1-4, Temperature Rating 0o-350oF and Material Classification AA-HH meet NACE requirements
• Nominal size 9”, 11”, 13-5/8” or 18-3/4 and pressure rating of 5,000 psi or 10,000 psi • Available in 2 or 3 stage hanger systems
• “WQ” Quick connector on housing top connection
• Casing programs offer flexibility and can be easily changed on site
• Fluted mandrel-type hangers for effective cementing flow-by
• Mandrel-type hangers offer complete BOP control, eliminating work under BOP stack and enhancing safety
• Internal lockdown for hangers
• Same pack-off for all sizes of mandrel hangers
• Elastomeric and metal seal assemblies are interchangeable
• Design based on field-proven and fully tested technology
• Enhanced safety with minimum through-wall penetrations
• Cold cut option is available for emergency purposes
• Designed to meet API 6A, latest edition to PSL 1-4, Temperature Rating 0o-350oF and Material Classification AA-HH meet NACE requirements
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Kriya Kreatif Kulit Dan Imitasi
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Instrumentasi Medik
Spa dan Beauty Therapy
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Teknik Pengelasan
Teknik Mekatronika
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Instrumentasi dan Otomatisasi Proses
Teknik Pemanasan, Tata Udara dan Pendinginan (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
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