Trainer for Refrigeration Plants Electric Components and Faults
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Kelistrikan Kapal
Teknik Pemanasan, Tata Udara dan Pendinginan (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
Deskripsi :
Compresor: type Hermetic.
Capacity: min. ½ HP.
Condensor: copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan.
Min. 2 Evaporators: copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan and condensate water reservoir.
Thermostatic expansion device.
Set of Instrumentation: voltmeter, ampere meter, thermometer, pressure gauge.
Set of Controller: Thermostat, Highlow Pressure switch.
Safety Device: MCB, ELCB, Emergency Switch.
Equipped with hand valve, filter dryer, sight glass, solenoid valve, liquid receiver, Pipes connecting various component painted with different colour.
Minimum 5 experiment topics.
User manual.
Compresor: type Hermetic.
Capacity: min. ½ HP.
Condensor: copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan.
Min. 2 Evaporators: copper pipe with fin, equipped with fan and condensate water reservoir.
Thermostatic expansion device.
Set of Instrumentation: voltmeter, ampere meter, thermometer, pressure gauge.
Set of Controller: Thermostat, Highlow Pressure switch.
Safety Device: MCB, ELCB, Emergency Switch.
Equipped with hand valve, filter dryer, sight glass, solenoid valve, liquid receiver, Pipes connecting various component painted with different colour.
Minimum 5 experiment topics.
User manual.
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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