Vertical Bench with Four Workstations For Practical Electro Installations Exercises
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Deskripsi :
Untuk praktik kelistrikan dan sistem rangkaian listrik.
Each front of the bench (two workstations) is provided with the following power supply: three-phase (230 or 400 V) and single-phase (230 V - 16 A) line.
Protection: high-sensitivity magneto-thermal differential circuit breaker, safety terminals, emergency button with mechanical holding, minimum
voltage release device. Single-phase line of 12-24 Vac - 4 A (safety extra-low voltage) protected against overloads and short-circuits by fuses and bg magneto-thermal circuit breaker.
Circuit tester with light-acoustic signaling (powered with extra low
Each front of the bench (two workstations) is provided with the following power supply: three-phase (230 or 400 V) and single-phase (230 V - 16 A) line.
Protection: high-sensitivity magneto-thermal differential circuit breaker, safety terminals, emergency button with mechanical holding, minimum
voltage release device. Single-phase line of 12-24 Vac - 4 A (safety extra-low voltage) protected against overloads and short-circuits by fuses and bg magneto-thermal circuit breaker.
Circuit tester with light-acoustic signaling (powered with extra low
#DAK Alat SMK 2023
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