Trainer Mesin CNC Lathe -Pembubutan
Kompetensi Keahlian :
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Deskripsi :
Key-released emergency stop push
Ability to restart programs from
stopping point after safety interuption
On-board embedded microprocessor
Stand-alone manual mode operation
Software allowing the programming of
up to 20 tools
Includes a three-jaw self-centering chuck
Lathe constructed with a machined
high-grade alloy bed, headstock, and
Each axis driven by its own dc stepper
Programmable speeds of 0-36 cm/min
(0-14 in/min)
60 W (0.08 hp) dc variable-speed
spindle motor
Programmable spindle motor with
chuck speed of 0-2800 r/min
Assortments of machining tools and
stock materials of different sizes
offered as options to enhance and
expand training system capabilities
Ability to restart programs from
stopping point after safety interuption
On-board embedded microprocessor
Stand-alone manual mode operation
Software allowing the programming of
up to 20 tools
Includes a three-jaw self-centering chuck
Lathe constructed with a machined
high-grade alloy bed, headstock, and
Each axis driven by its own dc stepper
Programmable speeds of 0-36 cm/min
(0-14 in/min)
60 W (0.08 hp) dc variable-speed
spindle motor
Programmable spindle motor with
chuck speed of 0-2800 r/min
Assortments of machining tools and
stock materials of different sizes
offered as options to enhance and
expand training system capabilities
Anda menginginkan produk ini?
Hubungi Kami Sekarang

Microcontroller Trainer
Konfigurasi Minimal: Resistor,
Kapasitor, Induktor,
Teknik Audio Video
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Teknik Ototronik
Teknik Elektronika Komunikasi
Instrumentasi Medik
Teknik Mekatronika

Hidrostatic Trainer
Konfigurasi minimal:
PLC Module
Communication network Ethern...
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Instrumentasi Medik
Teknik Elektronika Industri
Teknik Mekatronika
Instrumentasi dan Otomatisasi Proses

Servo Motor Trainer
AC Power: AC 220 V/380 V,
Air pressure: 0.4 MPa to 0.6 MPa,...
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik

Alat Elektronika Dasar (Basic Electronic Trainer)
Input voltage :
Single phase AC 220V, 50/60Hz.
Teknik Otomasi Industri

Elektronika And Digital Trainer
Minimal konfigurasi : • 29 unit
resistors: 1 Ω s.d 1 MΩ;
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Teknik Ototronik
Teknik Elektronika Komunikasi
Teknik Elektronika Industri
Teknik Mekatronika

Software CAD
Design, draft, and document with precise 2D geometry > Acces...
Desain Interior Dan Teknik Furnitur
Desain dan Teknik Furnitur
Teknik Otomasi Industri
Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan
Desain Rancang Bangun Kapal
Teknik Elektronika Komunikasi
Instrumentasi Medik
Teknik Elektronika Industri
Teknik Mekatronika
Instrumentasi dan Otomatisasi Proses